Mr. Peter Gray

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon


Mr Gray graduated with a primary medical qualification from Cambridge University and also has a Master’s Degree in Law from Cardiff University in the “Legal Aspects of Medical Practice”. He has been awarded Fellowships by the Royal College of Surgeons and by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and a Membership of the Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians. He is a respected and experienced ophthalmologist who, having worked in many prestigious centres of excellence in the United Kingdom, is proficient in all aspects of ophthalmology. In his military career he gained much experience with ocular trauma and that to the head & neck. He has a special interest in the diagnosis and management of external eye disease, especially in relation to ocular chemical injuries and has particular expertise in the ocular damage caused by the CS incapacitant spray deployed by the British Police, having been instructed as a single joint expert in many personal injury cases involving this agent. He has worked as a medico-legal adviser to the Defence Medical Services, where, as well as providing medico-legal advice to medical military personnel and drafting responses to ministerial questions, he was involved in the assessment and management of complex personal injury claims as well as issues of clinical negligence. He is fully conversant with the legal aspects of the consent process and all aspects of medical negligence. He has attended seminars on medico-legal report writing and specialist witness methodology with Hempsons Solicitors and regularly attends the medico-legal symposia of the London Consultants’ Association.

Mr. Peter Gray
Mr. Peter Gray

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